Beyond talk therapy

From the Core


Currently accepting new clients for individual, couple’s and process group therapy

Theraputic options


Individual therapy

In an individual Core Energetics therapy session we explore the issues that are blocking the forward momentum in your life through body reading and somatic work involving movement, breath work, visualization, and touch. Explore your full spiritual potential.

Couples therapy

When a couple is in trouble, it becomes difficult to see any way out. In couples therapy, each individual is encouraged and supported to risk opening up to their partner in new ways they could not experience together before, whether in crisis or in exploration.

Group therapy

A process group is composed of a small group of individuals who are committed to change. While individual therapy provides deep transformation, testing that with a small group of people in the context of a safe space helps to solidify and lead to further changes.

Next Generation Core: Core Energetics on a deeper level

Life is a reflection of our choices. Once we take ownership we learn that we can make a different choice to create a different outcome. At Next Generation Core, we go deeper to build a growth mindset, employing many of the experiential processes and theories of Core Energetics. Curious about Next Generation Core? Visit us online.


Meet Barra

Barra Kahn has a life-long affinity for somatics work. She has been teaching yoga for over 40 years, and was a professional dancer for more than a decade. Committed to being a conduit for change, her training and advanced certification in Core Energetics has brought together her graduate degree in Psychology and her love of exploring the language of the body.